I’m Already Bored of Republican Flip-Flop Coverage

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Right now, it’s all ideological reversals, all the time:

McCain: “Which side am I on? As John McCain eyes the White House in ’08, he is at war with himself over Bush’s escalation in Iraq.” Salon, Feb 20, 2007.

McCain: “Welcome to McCain’s flip-flop express.” Philadelphia Inquirer, Feb 18, 2007.

Romney: “The Talented Mr. Romney.” Washington Post, Feb 20, 2007.

Romney: “Governor Romney, Meet Governor Romney.” Newsweek, Feb 26, 2007 issue.

That’s just stuff I found surfing the web today. If you have been paying attention, you’ll have noticed coverage of Romney and McCain’s flip-flops at this nefarious institution.

Late Update: It’s two in two days for the WaPo editorial section! “Mitt Romney’s Extreme Makeover” Washington Post, Feb 21, 2007.


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