We need a huge last-minute surge to make our 400,000 goal by December 31. Please support the journalism you get from Mother Jones and help us close our budget gap with a tax-deductible, year-end gift today.
Time is running out! We need a huge last-minute surge to make our 400,000 goal by December 31. Please support the journalism you get from Mother Jones and help us close our budget gap with a tax-deductible, year-end gift today.
Maryam Jameel
Maryam Jameel is an engagement reporter with ProPublica.
Can you pitch in a few bucks to help fund Mother Jones' investigative journalism? We're a nonprofit (so it's tax-deductible), and reader support makes up about two-thirds of our budget.
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Do you give a damn about this country’s future?You wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t. So while corporate media goes
all in on horse-race journalism, we've spent this election season digging for the stories that matter, like dirty deeds done by billionaire-funded
super-PACs and the GOP’s ties to right-wing extremism. One thing that can reliably stop liars, grifters, and wannabe dictators is truth-telling
independent media.Please show your support and donate right now.
Do you give a damn about this country’s future?You wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t. So while corporate media goes
all in on horse-race journalism, we've spent this election season digging for the stories that matter, like dirty deeds done by billionaire-funded
super-PACs and the GOP’s ties to right-wing extremism. One thing that can reliably stop liars, grifters, and wannabe dictators is truth-telling
independent media.Please show your support and donate right now.