November/December 1996 Cover story: The end of Social Security as we know it?Close shaves; Drawn and Quartered; How Paradise Lost; more… September/October 1996 Cover story: Newt & the Dirty DozenDoes America have a soul?; Glimpses into the soul; There’s no going back to nature; more… July/August 1996 Cover story: "Good Morning Gun Lobby!"Republican Whitewaters; The Wages of Downsizing; A Question of Abuse; more… May/June 1996 Cover story: Tobacco DoleKeeping Faith; Tobacco Strikes Back; Our Good Friend, the Governor; more… March/April 1996 Cover story: The Mother Jones 400Fred Who?; Tightening the Beltway; Bruce Springsteen; more… January/February 1996 Cover story: MediKillOur Past, Their Future; The Dark Side; What’s Left; more… Go back to main archives page