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Matthew Houck, who has long recorded and performed as Phosphorescent, performed with his band last month at the East Williamsburg venue Brooklyn Steel for the second to last show (opener: Liz Cooper & the Stampede) of their European and US tour.
Houck, best known for his breakthrough album, Muchacho, recently released the follow-up album C’est La Vie after a five year recording hiatus—during which he relocated to Nashville, got married (his wife, Jo Shornikow, plays keyboards in the band), had two children, and survived a life-threatening bout of meningitis.
Phosphorescent’s use of meticulously layered sounds and tension-building repetition of musical forms—combined with roots-informed songwriting—seek out cracks of light in the darkness, cathartically rendering his feelings of alienation as something human and universal.
The following photos, from the Brooklyn Steel show, are the first installment of On The Road, a visual essay series that depicts the creative lives of notable musicians, onstage and off.
On The Road is a visual essay series by photographer Jacob Blickenstaff, illustrating the creative lives of notable musicians at work, onstage and off.
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Do you give a damn about this country’s future?You wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t. So while corporate media goes
all in on horse-race journalism, we've spent this election season digging for the stories that matter, like dirty deeds done by billionaire-funded
super-PACs and the GOP’s ties to right-wing extremism. One thing that can reliably stop liars, grifters, and wannabe dictators is truth-telling
independent media.Please show your support and donate right now.