Thomas breathes new life into the phrase “in bed with industry.” Despite the controversy surrounding the affair, Thomas went on to author the term’s key Republican health care legislation.
The Dan Quayle Award
Rep. Mark Foley, the son of a public school teacher, wanted voters to know of his opposition to TPA, or Trade Promotion Authority. He released a statement denouncing the “PTA.”
Senator John Breaux (D-La.) wrote a note during the stimulus package debate and pinned it to a Congressional elevator, reading “STIMULAS NEEDED!”
Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) pontificated last December on the need for yet another C.R., or “continuing resolution,” whereby Congress avoids shutting down the government by borrowing a few hundred million more dollars. Despite gales of laughter from Congressfolk, he persisted in referring to the need for “CPR .”
Senator Thomas Daschle (D-S.D.) denounced spending billions on Bush’s space-based missile-defense system, saying, “This isn’t rocket science here.”