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Fred Thompson, the Great Right Hope, turns out to be a little shaky on his Conservative bona fides. Back in the day (’74) when he was the GOP lawyer on the Senate Watergate Committee Nixon referred to him as “dumb as Hell”. From the tapes: Nixon: “Oh shit, that kid.” Haldeman: “Well we’re stuck with him.”
So since when is that a disqualifier for the Republican nomination?
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Do you give a damn about this country’s future?You wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t. So while corporate media goes
all in on horse-race journalism, we've spent this election season digging for the stories that matter, like dirty deeds done by billionaire-funded
super-PACs and the GOP’s ties to right-wing extremism. One thing that can reliably stop liars, grifters, and wannabe dictators is truth-telling
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Do you give a damn about this country’s future?You wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t. So while corporate media goes
all in on horse-race journalism, we've spent this election season digging for the stories that matter, like dirty deeds done by billionaire-funded
super-PACs and the GOP’s ties to right-wing extremism. One thing that can reliably stop liars, grifters, and wannabe dictators is truth-telling
independent media.Please show your support and donate right now.