In July, Sarah Palin told The Daily Caller, a conservative site, that
the media became a key reason she decided not finish out her term as governor.
Bad media—forcing her to quit a job! Now let’s turn to an interview she gave recently to Human Events magazine:
What attributes does Palin think a GOP candidate who steps up to the plate in 2012 should have? “Someone who’s willing to take some risks in terms of bringing in people who aren’t the known bureaucrats, but people with private sector experience who know how to run a business, make payroll, balance a budget, and live within your means.” According to Palin, the candidate should also have “that steel spine, thick skin, not worrying about what it is that the adversaries are going say about you” and an understanding that “it is the people who hire you, who elect you, whom you are beholden to.” Palin also spoke about the importance of humility: “You have to have a team around you that you will listen to, and that takes some humility, and not an arrogant, elitist attitude pretending that nobody else’s advice really matters because you’re so doggarned smart you’re going to do it yourself.”
The interviewer, Jedediah Bila, observed, “Who does that sound like? You be the judge?” Obviously, Bila thought Palin was describing herself. But how can Palin tell The Daily Caller that she ran out on her commitment to Alaska’s citizens because of pesky journalists but then insist to Human Events that a political candidate must have a thick hide and ignore assaults from adversaries? Can Palin reconciliate these two statements?