Some crucial updates from my home state of Ohio, which is proving to be ground zero in the war on organized labor and the middle class:
- First up: Those lazy, selfish public workers Gov. Kasich and state Republicans have been trying to stop from greedily taking all the money in the state coffers with their wild benefits and compensation demands? They’ve made $1 billion in concessions in the last three years.
- On top of that, what kind of monster would want them to give up their right to collective bargaining, too? MoJo‘s very own Andy Kroll has a roundup of who’s pumping cash into the effort to destroy Ohio unions—and how hard and dirty they intend to fight.
- But, guess what, guys? It’s probably a waste of money. Yesterday’s polls show that 57 percent of Ohioans support the defeat of the state’s anti-union bill when it comes up on the ballot next month.